In: Web Development

The World Wide Web has grown to an extent that we could have never imagined in the past, seeping into almost every single aspect of our lives. Most notably, the advent of enterprise growth and its association with the online presence has initiated countless developments. 

These include a host of business-related resources to help consumers find more value while enabling companies to expand their reach. Nestled among the many technological developments, the web application continues to soar to greater heights in the value it offers across the board. They come in the form of either seemingly simple applications that help you accomplish basic tasks or all-encompassing mega apps that cover a broad spectrum of integral functions. 

What’s certain is that web app development is more relevant than it has ever been for businesses. As digital adoption reaches an all-time high and the growing opportunities in online markets become more apparent, it’s time for you to learn about web app development and its implications on the future growth of your company.

What Is Web Application Development?

Web apps comprise everything from online contact forms and browser-based digital tools to Gmail and Twitter. They all have one thing in common: they assist users in completing one or more tasks beyond basic upvotes and likes. These days, they are often developed with mobile devices in mind assuming that the device has a web browser installed.

They make use of HTML and Ajax, as well as RIA (rich internet application) technologies such as JavaFX and Silverlight. They are not constrained to the underlying platform for deployment, unlike native mobile apps, because they are not created expressly for a device.

Web application development design allows web-based projects to behave and perform like mobile apps. Web applications engage users by focusing on responsive interactions, while accessed over the internet. Web apps come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

There are client-side web apps, server-side web apps, and even single-page applications, in addition to the game-changing progressive web apps. Web apps are created with a combination of front-end and back-end technologies, and the software development process is not dissimilar to that of ordinary web development, from creating it based on a perceived market want or need and designing it based on the core concept of the business.

Web Apps VS Mobile Apps

Apps for mobile devices are developed for a specific platform, such as iOS for Apple’s iPhone or Android for Samsung’s Galaxy devices. They’re downloaded and installed via an app store, and they have access to system resources such as the GPS and camera. Apps for mobile devices are downloaded and run directly on the device. Snapchat, Instagram, Google Maps, as well as Facebook Messenger are all popular smartphone apps. 

Web apps, on the other hand, are accessed via a web browser and adjust to the device being used to view them. Because they aren’t native to any operating system, they don’t need to be downloaded or installed.

Thus, it’s clear to see how the average layman might confuse web apps with mobile apps. Web apps are designed to be just as responsive as mobile apps, which means that they often resemble each other in appearance and functionality. It’s worth noting though that there are stark differences between the two.

Even though the designs are identical and use the same fonts and color scheme, these are two distinct items. Mobile apps do not require an internet connection to run, whereas web apps do. Mobile applications offer the benefit of being speedier and more efficient, but they do necessitate the user downloading updates frequently. Web applications will update themselves.

Here’s a simple breakdown of the pros and cons from each application archetype:

Mobile Apps


  • Faster than web apps
  • Because they have access to system resources, they have more functionality.
  • Can work offline
  • Safe and secure — native apps must first be approved by the app store
  • Easier to build due to the availability of developer tools, interface elements, and SDKs


  • Developing mobile apps is more expensive than developing online apps.
  • Starting from scratch is frequently required to ensure compatibility with several platforms (e.g., iOS and Android).
  • Maintaining and updating the system is costly.
  • It may be tough to get an app store to approve a native app.

Web apps


  • Because web apps run directly in your browser, there is no need to download or install them.
  • They’re simple to maintain because they all use the same codebase, independent of the mobile platform.
  • Will keep itself up to date
  • It’s faster and easier to create a website than it is to create a mobile app.
  • App store approval is not required; therefore it can be deployed immediately.


  • They do not work offline
  • Slower than mobile apps and lacking in certain sophisticated capabilities
  • Because they are not listed in a specialized database, such as the app store, they may not be as discoverable as mobile apps.
  • Web apps don’t have to be certified by the app store; therefore, quality and security aren’t always assured.

Advantages Of Web Apps For Businesses

These days, the internet resembles more of an endless marketplace and social landscape that comprises users who sift through digital platforms in search for things they find valuable. This is where business web apps fill the gap in providing what users deem useful.

Web apps can optimize various aspects of a business’s offering in many different ways, and thus compliments the business with added benefits:

1. They Offer A Competitive Edge

Businesses using web applications to gain a competitive advantage contribute to their prominence. Web apps are an important tool for attracting and retaining clients, and they add to the power of mobile. Web applications, which are Internet-enabled apps that can be accessed using a mobile device’s web browser, provide businesses with tremendous resources to sell goods and services on smartphones.

2.  They Use Numerous Platforms

Web applications alleviate the worry about whether or not an app will run on a variety of platforms, including desktop, tablet, and other mobile devices. Because of its cross-platform capabilities, web apps are no longer a luxury, but rather a necessity in some circumstances. They can be commercialized by membership fees, dues, or adverts, and they automatically update without user intervention.

3.  They Minimize Restrictions

When it comes to each software package, web apps sidestep app store memberships, fees, and limits. They let enterprises release their versions on their own time, rather than relying on app stores. There are also a variety of cloud-based technologies that allow enterprises to leverage the cloud to extend storage.

4. They Reinforce Security

Security dangers to applications must be understood by all businesses. Websites and software packages can be protected with web apps. They’re made to give you additional privacy while also providing a high level of security. For security reasons, markets like Europe and Asia rely on mobile web apps, and because users don’t update web apps, bug fixes and security issues can be addressed quickly.

5. They Improve Customer Support

Web apps provide additional customer service possibilities. They can serve as the company’s first point of contact with potential customers. Customer service applications are created so that they may be used at any time and can help increase customer loyalty.

Different types of web apps

Web apps come in many shapes and forms, and the type you want to focus on will be determined by your company’s unique objectives.

1. Static Web Apps

The static web app transmits the information directly to the end user’s browser without gathering any data from the server. The majority of static web apps are known for being basic and easy to create throughout the web. What are the languages used to create static web applications? Most static web apps are built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A single-page application runs entirely within a browser, with no page reloading required. Updating the web app can be difficult at times.

2. Dynamic Web Apps

A dynamic web application is a web application that generates data in real-time based on the user’s request and server response. To better comprehend dynamic web apps, consider the following scenario. When you log in to Netflix, it will suggest movies or series depending on your preferences. If you choose to watch action movies, Netflix will show you more action movie recommendations based on your choices.

3. Single Page Apps

A single-page application operates entirely within a browser without the need for page reloading. The headers and sidebars of an email app, for example, will remain intact as you access your inbox. Single-page web apps are substantially faster than traditional web applications since their functionality is implemented directly in the web browser rather than on the server.

4. Multiple Page Apps

Numerous page applications are web apps that have multiple pages and reload the entire page every time the user navigates to a different page. When you log in to Amazon to buy a phone, for example, you must first click on a certain phone, then add it to your basket and hit the next button, the web app will send you to the next page, where you must then click on buy and be redirected to the cart page to complete your order. 

Google Docs and Trello, for example, provide a variety of services and products. As a result, they allow their users to interact with the app in a variety of ways and thus they tend to prefer multi-page programs.

5. Animated Web Apps

An animated web app is a web application that provides animation and synchronization on the web platform. Some of the best examples of animated web apps are Sqadeasy and Miki Mottos. HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, FLASH, and SVG are usually the best options for creating animated online apps.

Main Factors Of Web App Development

Web app development is not exempted from the fast-moving trends and transitions within the digital and tech sectors. Due to this, there are a number of prominent factors to consider when understanding how web apps can be developed effectively and how value is determined.

1. Speed

Being quick is no longer enough for today’s web users; they need to be faster than fast. Most users will become irritated and move on to your competitors if your web app is slow. Applications must be built with speed in mind, as this will help to clarify their utility. 

There are a variety of techniques to speed up your web apps on the market, as well as tools like Pingdom that can help you monitor the speed of your web app.

2. Users, Users, Users.

Because a web app is nothing without its users, this is the most vital aspect of any website or web app. Unfortunately, many organizations overlook the importance of users, and as a result, fail. If you don’t first evaluate who you’ll be selling to and what that market wants to see, you’ll be setting your app up for near-certain failure. 

Define your audience, identify your niche, and specialize to their demands, like with any smart marketing strategy. After all, no matter how excellent your online app is if you can’t persuade people to use it, you don’t have a good web app. 

As a result, user experience research is the most vital step in developing your web app, yet it is also the most overlooked. It’s better and less expensive to start with a good concept than to waste time and money later on reworking. 

When you’re working on an app, try using it for a week as if you were a regular user and record notes. You could be surprised by what you find; we often program something one way and then discover it isn’t very user-friendly or intuitive. 

3. Simplicity

Simplicity is key when it comes to web apps—the layout should be “clean,” with plenty of white space and huge typography. When it comes to screen flow, content should come first, followed by navigation at the bottom of each page. It’s the torment of every mobile user’s existence to have to scroll through navigation to get to the true content of a web page.

4. Focus on What You Do

Create an app that relates to your field of expertise and focus on what you do best. If you’re a financial services firm, developing an app with investment projection calculators is a terrific idea, but providing weather forecasts isn’t. Try not to solve everything and stay focused on user demands and corporate goals. Today’s users are tech-savvy, and they know what they want and don’t want.

5. Design matters

Finally, appealing aesthetics and a functional design will bring your users closer together. A visitor’s faith in your website, and thus in your business, is increased by good design. They flee in search of something more dependable due to poor design. Every single time a user spends on a page is influenced by the design of your website. It could mean the difference between a good and a bad user experience. In the end, it can either increase or decrease conversions.

Stages Of Development

Now that we understand the basics, benefits, and implications of web apps for businesses, let’s go over the few stages that are necessary for web app development. If your business is positioned to adopt web applications for enterprise growth, then consider these steps:

Stage 1: Requirements Review & Proposal

When it comes to developing a web application, most entrepreneurs and organizations start with a list of ideas. These concepts gradually develop into a complete document that outlines the application’s goals, features, technology, budget, vision, and plans. 

The development team gains a thorough idea of your app’s objectives, major goals, target audience, focus industry, milestones, and other crucial factors by reading this document. This paper is followed by talks and questions that assist web developers in gaining a better understanding of project objectives.

Stage 2: Planning & Blueprints

In Stage 1, both teams agreed on the web application they wanted to create. It’s now time to establish the roadmap that will be used to construct it. Developers produce a blueprint, which includes flowcharts and sketches, to assist establish the overall layout of the web application, using the information acquired in the previous stage of the web app development model.

Flowcharts, also known as Sitemaps, depict the relationships between distinct web pages and aid in the understanding of how your website’s inner structure will look and function. Wireframes are a type of visual representation of the user interface. During this stage, top web app development companies keep clients informed to ensure that the application’s core functions are correct.

Stage 3: Web Application Design

Users of web applications have no idea what happens behind the scenes or how things work. All they do is interact with the application’s design. Stage 3 is all about fine-tuning the web application’s design and interactive aspects. To complete the design part of the web application, designers deal with color schemes, images, icons, templates, user experience, style guides, transitions, buttons, and much more. 

After the initial prototypes have been finalized, they are shared with clients for review and comments. The design revisions and mockup adjustments continue until the customer give everything a thumbs up. While the design team is focused on mockups and refining, the development team is mostly focused on programming. As a result, Stages 3 and 4 frequently progress in lockstep.

Stage 4: Web Application Programming

Stage 4 is about putting together the engine, whereas Stage 3 is about constructing the cosmetics of an automobile. App development makes the desired functionality work and adds value to the consumer experience. 

Frameworks are built, APIs are deployed, app features are built, security layers are introduced, payment gateways are integrated, and a variety of other capabilities are crafted at this stage. 

While developing complicated web apps takes time, a lot depends on the technologies chosen. Libraries having capabilities that can be changed and incorporated with ease are beneficial to some technological stacks. A lot depends on the web programmers who are working on your web application’s knowledge and expertise. Stage 4 is the most important part of the web application model!

Stage 5: Copywriting & Labeling

Copy and labeling account for less than 5% of application development time, yet without them, it’s difficult to understand what you’ve created. The talent of the Information Architect and Copywriter hired for the project has a big impact on the user experience and user interface. 

This step in the web app development process must prioritize usability and simplicity. The headlines, captions, labeling, copy, and everything else in the text form are all finalized in Stage 5. To execute all of the copy in the appropriate spot, the designer, developer, copywriter, and IA must work together.

Stage 6: Testing & launch

The most crucial component of the web app development approach is testing the program when everything appears to be in order. That’s because hundreds of things might go wrong, even if you think you’ve followed the application’s instructions to the letter.

Stage 7: Application Maintenance

Every digital product, whether it’s a small business website or a big web application, requires regular maintenance and updates. Over time, you’ll want to pivot your product, add new features, and release App Version 2. This is why your app development contract should include provisions for app maintenance, post-delivery support, and future upgrades.

As the use of web apps becomes even more normalized in this day and age, the relevance of web app development takes a higher priority for businesses that are looking to expand their capabilities and opportunities. However, it’s important to take into account the various factors for developing and preparing a good infrastructure for your app to truly perform in the market.

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