In: Mobile App Development

Let’s start by talking about the creation of mobile applications. Developing a mobile application for mobile devices such as personal digital assistants, digital business assistants, or mobile phones is the act or process of developing a mobile application for mobile devices. These software programs are developed by a mobile app developer in Malaysia.

They’re intended to be used with portable electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablet computers. When phones are manufactured, these programs may be pre-installed on them, or they can be supplied as web applications, which can use server-side or client-side processing (e.g., JavaScript) to give an “application-like” experience inside a web browser.

Because of the tremendous competition in mobile software and the constant changes within each platform, application software developers must consider a wide range of screen sizes, hardware specs, and settings when developing application software.

Mobile app development in Malaysia has seen steady growth in revenues and the number of jobs it has produced. According to a 2013 analyst assessment, there is 529,000 direct app economy employment in the EU’s then 28 member countries (including the United Kingdom), with 60 percent of those positions held by mobile app developers in Malaysia.

Why Mobile App Development?

In the last several years, the production of mobile applications has grown into a thriving sector. According to current estimates, 2.3 million mobile app developers are working hard to meet the market’s demands. In reality, according to Apple, 1.25 million applications were registered in the Apple app store in 2013, accounting for 50 billion downloads and $5 billion in payments to developers during the same year. With these sorts of market statistics in hand, it becomes evident that mobile app development is a critical component of any successful organization.

More and more people are using their smartphones to access the Internet. The increasing number of individuals accessing the Internet via smartphones and tablets means that mobile app development has the unique capacity to reach a vast number of prospective customers simultaneously. Pew Research Internet Project estimates that 67 percent of smartphone users in the United States use their cell phones to access the Internet regularly. In addition, according to recent projections, by 2017, app downloads would have reached 200 billion, with the resulting mobile app earnings having reached $63.5 billion. One of the factors contributing to these record-breaking figures is the ongoing surge in sales of smartphones and tablets.

Not only have sales of smartphones and tablets soared, but the number of mobile applications that have been downloaded has also expanded at an exponential rate. According to the research group’s findings, Pew Research Internet Project estimates that nearly half of all smartphone users have mobile applications installed; of this number, two-thirds of the persons are frequent mobile app users.

These numbers demonstrate that mobile applications offer a unique chance to interact with a whole new sort of client, always linked to the Internet and the global commerce arena, as shown by the data presented below. To put it another way, a mobile app gives you the ability to reach millions of new clients on the go. You only need to create a successful app and enjoy the rewards of your efforts. That is all that is required of you.

Significant Advantages of Having A Mobile App Developer in Malaysia

There are several advantages to developing and marketing a mobile application. The following are a few of the most significant advantages for firms across a broad range of sectors.

Increase Customer Loyalty

Mobile applications, particularly in the retail industry, have been shown to enhance consumer loyalty regularly. Brand Reinforcement through New Channel Mobile applications provides a unique potential for brand reinforcement through a new channel. Customers are urged to download the free branded version of the mobile app, which allows them to personalize settings to meet their requirements via mobile applications. It is the best cloud-based mobile app builder platform that the mobile phone application developer can create the best apps for Android, iOS, and Windows phones. Increasing your visibility is essential. In 2013, Apple’s app store received more than 50 billion mobile applications downloads.

Increasing Your Accessibility Is a Must

Smartphone and tablet users are always on the go, which means that they don’t always have the opportunity to log into a mobile website when they want to. Furthermore, these mobile websites are intended for reading and navigation rather than process administration.

A great mobile app developer in Malaysia provides users with convenient, functional access to the information, goods, services, and procedures they need in real-time. They are designed to be used with their hands to maximize interactivity.

Increase Sell-Through

The results of a recent study indicate that mobile app users spend much more time on a company’s mobile app than they do on its mobile website. As we continue to progress towards a mobile-centric culture, it should come as no surprise that mobile applications are at the forefront of the technological development effort in this area.

The development of a mobile application may go a long way toward putting your company’s products and services into the hands of new clients and ensuring future economic success.

Which Mobile App Development Platforms to Choose?

These days, a mobile app developer in Malaysia may select from several apps development platforms, the most prominent of which are Android, iOS, and HTML5 (HTML5 is a newer technology). You must make the best option possible when selecting a Mobile Application Platform since various aspects must be considered.

When it comes to the popular software utilized on different smartphone models, iOS, Android, and HTML5 are the three most popular app development platforms available today. Their respective benefits and drawbacks are well-documented, and they are each distinct in their way.

The most crucial issue for Mobile App Developers is to assess the platform’s competence and to choose which platform would be the most appropriate and best option for that specific Mobile Application. Here are some pointers that may assist you in determining whether or not the Mobile Application you are creating is on the appropriate Platform route.

The iOS Operating System

Mobile operating systems are becoming more sophisticated, and the iOS app development platform is one of the most complex available. This makes it much easier for app developers to produce highly successful mobile applications for the iOS platform. Since its initial release in 2007 for the iPhone and iPod Touch, this app development platform has been expanded to include more Apple intelligent devices, such as the iPad and Apple TV. Apple’s App Store had more than 700.000 iOS applications available last year, all of them having been downloaded more than 30 billion times. The most recent version – the iOS 7 app development platform – allows developers to reinvent the user experience of their mobile applications by increasing clarity and depth.

iOS 11 Software Update:

Apple introduces Core ML and ARKit with iOS 11, marking a significant advancement in technology. A Malaysian mobile app developer can make their applications appear in an augmented reality environment using the ARKit.

Furthermore, the Core ML framework enables developers to incorporate Machine Learning into their applications to enhance their intelligence. Other notable additions to iOS 11 include drag and drop for the iPad, new camera APIs, and a redesigned Files app, among other things.

The Android app platform, developed by Android Inc. and acquired by Google in 2005, is based on the Linux kernel. It was initially intended for touchscreen mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, and now it is one of the most powerful mobile platforms available anywhere in the world.

This mobile app development platform uses a direct user interface, with touch inputs that correlate to real-life activities, such as swiping and touching and operating on-screen items, such as buttons and menus.

Android devices are available in various sizes, with various capabilities, and at various pricing points. Android smartphones and tablets are the most significant devices for using all Google goods that consumers like using the most.

Android 8.1 Oreo

Although Android 8.0 introduced some exciting new features such as Picture-in-Picture mode and Dot Notifications, the Android 8.1 upgrade has something revolutionary for developers, which they have been waiting for for quite some time.

Google added Machine Learning to Android by introducing the Neural Networks API (NNAPI) in the 8.1 edition of the operating system. NAPPI can apply data from Android devices to developer-defined models that have already been trained to enable inferencing, therefore assisting in classifying pictures, predicting user behavior, and selecting appropriate replies to a search query.

There Are Many Different Types of Mobile Apps

Phones have evolved into an indispensable element of our everyday routines. Activities such as setting the alarm in the morning, checking Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Twitter; listening to music, reading the news, watching YouTube videos; changing the temperature and lighting; updating project status; and the list goes on.

The vast majority of these mutually incompatible programs operate independently on the major operating systems, smoothly bringing our smartphones to life — and all in real-time.

Every year, hundreds of new applications are introduced to the market, and the need for a mobile app developer in Malaysia is on the rise even more. Although we’re all aware of operating systems (such as iOS and Android), chances are we’re not as knowledgeable about the exact technological platforms that software developers employ throughout the design and development process when creating applications for smartphones and tablets. After reading this article, we hope that you will have a better understanding of the three kinds of applications and cross platforms – some of which you may have never heard of before – that you will encounter on your quest to grasp progressive web development.

Native Mobile Applications

A native mobile application is meant to be “native” to a specific platform, such as Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android, or Microsoft’s Windows Phone. The benefit of using a native platform is that it tends to improve the overall user experience for the user. Because it was created expressly for the platform, it can work more rapidly and intuitively than other similar products on the market.

Mobile Web Apps

These applications may be loaded on devices the same way native apps can, but they are run via web browsers instead of native apps. Almost all hybrid applications are created using the HTML5 programming language. Even though hybrid applications are not as quick or dependable as native apps, they offer a more vital ability to streamline application development. Your company will save time and money because you won’t have to spend time and resources developing and maintaining applications for many platforms. It’s an excellent choice for applications mainly concerned with delivering content.

Hybrid Web Apps

Websites that are responsive change their design when they are visited from a mobile device. In contrast, adaptive web apps resize to accommodate the various screen sizes of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

The design of these applications remains unchanged. Even if a mobile app developer in Malaysia creates web applications using the most popular programming languages, they cannot use hardware features on mobile devices or be offered in any app store.

List of the Best Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development Companies


A native Android, iOS, and Windows application is delivered by Xamarin, using existing talents, teams, and code.


It is an open-source project that serves as the foundation for creating mobile applications (Apache Cordova).


Appcelerator is an enterprise-focused development platform that allows developers to write JavaScript in their applications via its Alloy MVC framework.


With its corporate Mobility Platform, Kony provides a variety of solutions to assist businesses in developing mobile applications from a single codebase.

Sencha Touch

When developing universal mobile applications, Sencha Touch is the top cross-platform mobile web application framework based on HTML5 and JavaScript.

It is the best cloud-based mobile app builder platform that the mobile phone application developer can create the best apps for Android, iOS, and Windows phones. It includes Apache Cordova with access to its built-in components, which allows the developer to create the best apps for all three operating systems.


As a result of its extensive experience in a variety of Charter Global is also the only Oracle partner that provides a mobile app developer in Malaysia with native pre-configured customizable mobile applications that are native to the platform.