A lot of businesses are having a hard time having their door closed due to the movement restriction imposed. However, th...
Guide to Hiring A Software Development Company or Developers
6 out of 10 clients of ours have bad experiences with different software developers or different software companies. Man...
Guide to Progressive Web Apps
Back in 2015 when Google introduced ‘Progressive Web Application’ (PWA), not even the developer ‘Alex Russel’ and Design...
Open Sourcing “Long Run”
Long Run is a Unity game project which has been in development since 2017. The project was worked in a team of more than...
Web Hosting Guide: Where should you host?
Well, here we go through different hosting services and summarize them to make your hosting simple. We personally check ...
Native vs. Hybrid Apps Development
Smartphones have changed people’s lives across societies of today. To find the most apparent evidence, you only need to ...
Tech Startups Should Simplify
When talking about startups, technology is the first thing that pops out in everyone’s mind. Therefore, tech start...